In the dynamic world of business, protecting your intellectual property is crucial. A trade mark is an essential asset for companies and entrepreneurs in India. By licensing your trade mark, you allow other businesses to use your brand, creating opportunities for growth and revenue. This guide explains the key aspects of licensing your trade mark in India, including the process, documentation, and benefits.

What is Trade Mark Licensing?

Trade mark licensing is a legal agreement where the trade mark owner (licensor) allows another party (licensee) to use the trade mark for a specific period, in a defined territory, and under specific conditions. This arrangement helps the licensor expand its brand reach without establishing new operations, while the licensee gains access to an established brand.

Why License Your Trade Mark?

There are several reasons why licensing your trade mark in India is beneficial:

  1. Expand Your Reach: Licensing allows your brand to grow into new markets without direct investment in infrastructure.
  2. Generate Additional Revenue: Licensing can provide a steady income stream through royalties or other financial arrangements.
  3. Strengthen Your Brand: With careful selection of licensees, you can enhance your brand’s reputation by associating with other reputable businesses.

Requirements for Licensing a Trade Mark in India

To license your trade mark in India, you’ll need to follow these key steps:

  1. Ownership Verification: Ensure you are the registered owner of the trade mark with the Trade Marks Registry in India.
  2. License Agreement: Draft a comprehensive agreement outlining the terms, conditions, and restrictions of the license.
  3. Registration with Trade Marks Registry: Although not mandatory, it’s recommended to register your license agreement with the Trade Marks Registry to provide public notice and enhance legal protection.

The Trade Mark Licensing Process

Here is a step-by-step guide to licensing your trade mark in India:

  1. Draft the License Agreement: Create a detailed agreement that includes:
  • The trade mark(s) being licensed.
  • The territory where the license applies.
  • The duration of the license.
  • The scope of use (e.g., specific products or services).
  • Financial terms (e.g., royalties, fees).
  • Quality control and monitoring provisions.
  1. Negotiate Terms with the Licensee: Ensure both parties agree to the terms outlined in the agreement.
  2. Legal Review: Have a legal expert review the agreement to ensure compliance with Indian trade mark laws.
  3. Register the License Agreement: While not mandatory, registering the license agreement with the Trade Marks Registry offers additional legal protection.
  4. Implement Quality Control: Establish a system to monitor the licensee’s use of the trade mark to ensure consistency and maintain brand integrity.

Documents Required for Trade Mark Licensing

To successfully license your trade mark in India, you’ll need the following documents:

  1. Proof of Trade Mark Ownership: A copy of your trade mark registration certificate.
  2. License Agreement: The detailed agreement between the licensor and licensee.
  3. Authorization Letter: If someone else is representing you, provide a letter authorizing them to act on your behalf.
  4. ID Proof: Identification documents for both the licensor and licensee.


Licensing your trade mark in India is a strategic move that can lead to business growth, increased revenue, and a stronger brand presence. By understanding the process, complying with legal requirements, and ensuring proper documentation, you can successfully license your trade mark and enjoy the benefits it brings.